RO: In video-ul de azi, vizitam PARADISUL!
Sau o bucatica din el, la #PortoParadiseBeachBar, aflat la doar 3 km de #Ouranopolis pe bratul #Athos, in #Halkidiki, #Grecia.
Este un bar foarte frumos amenajat, cu sezlonguri, baldachine si intrare libera…la relaxare.
Cel mai mult mi-a placut apa in nuante ametitoare si micuta plaja cu acel aer exotic, care pare rupta din pozele cu celebrele stanci din #Seychelles.

Tu ce parere ai? Scrie-mi mai jos intr-un comentariu si spune-mi daca ai vizita acest loc.

Iar daca ti-a placut acest video si vrei sa pleci cu mine in urmatoarea calatorie, te invit la bord!
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EN: In today`s video, we`ll visit THE PARADISE!
Or at least a piece of it, at #PortoParadiseBeachBar, located just 3 km from #Ouranopolis on #Athos Arm, in #Halkidiki, #Greece.
It is a very nice bar with lounge, good vibes and free entry … to just relax!
I liked so much the water in those dazzling shades and the tiny beach with an exotic air…
I looked like those #Seychelles cliffs you often see in almost all the pictures with these islands.

What do you think? Leave a comment below and tell me if you would like to visit this place.
And if you want to go with me on the next journey, I invite you on board!
Subscribe to #CrisJourneys channel right here: http://bit.ly/2vL6Vnx
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