Calatorie de o zi din Madrid in TOLEDO, SPANIA

RO: In video-ul de azi, pornim dintr-un #Madrid magic, inspre poate unul dintre cele mai frumoase orase pe care le-am vazut pana acum in #Spania, si anume #Toledo.
Hai mai bine urmareste toata aventura si astept apoi parerile tale.

Acesta este al treilea video din seria “TravelMemories“, (primele doua video-uri le gasesti aici: Cinque Terre vlog: si Portofino vlog: ) o colectie de calatorii pe care le-am facut acum ceva vreme.

Daca ti-a placut acest video, si vrei sa pleci cu mine si in urmatoarea calatorie, TE INVIT LA BORD! Aboneaza-te la canal aici:

Ne vedem in urmatoarea calatorie!

EN: In today`s video, we`ll go from a magical Madrid to one of my favorites cities in #Spain, Toledo.
Better WATCH THE VIDEO, leave a comment below and tell me what you think.

This is the 3rd video from some of the places I’ve been to for a while now.
(the 1st video is here: and the 2end one is here:
If you liked this video, and you want to go with me on the next journey, I INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE to the channel right here:

Thank you.
See you on the next journey!

#TravelMemories #CrisJourneys

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